Having "proved" that all men are really like Tarzan, and all women like Sweet Alice in the Ben Bolt poem, and that any interference with this de- vine plan is unhealthy, immoral and disgusting, he threatens us with "a great surge of homosexuality", (Presumably we are included in this category, be- cause he certainly takes no notice of TVs as such!) The cure, predictably, is to train boys for "Man's work" and keep them clear of "women's work" cept in emergencies - and for the parents to avoid luring their offspring into excessive dependence on the parent of the opposite sex. The real "solu- tion", though, is to turn the schools back to sex segregation including the teachers! It is a blessing that the old gentleman didn't survive to see a cartoon in a recent PUNCH, showing a couple of Mods walking in opposite directions and captioned "Boy meets girl, and neither knows it."
So, take that $5 and invest it more wisely than I did. I suggest flowers, or perhaps a new purse...
SHORT STORIES "Special Effects"
The cop didn't feel so tough wear- ing lipstick and a bra. High heels tood the swagger from his hips.
Pretty quickly he found that he ra- ther liked the tug of straps at his shoulders and the firm pull of gart- ers on his nylons.
Then one night when he was off duty the other officers had to arrest him.....he was found on the streets dressed completely in women cloth- ing. He could give no good reason for doing it. (Could any of us?) Diane Jordan.